Since second grade, I started learning violin and piano. I was not interested in music then. I took lessons because my dad is very fond of classical music. Shortly after two years, I quit.
I found my passion in music when I started going to a Christian fellowship in seventh grade. Every Friday someone would lead the youth to sing songs of praise with a guitar. I watched and learned and practiced at home on a cassette with six rubber bands. My dad somehow helped me get an old broken guitar. That is how I started to play guitar.
In high school fellowship, a sister taught me how chords are played on piano. When I tried the chords I’m familiar with on the piano, I was fascinated to see my fingers running over the black and white keys. That is how I started playing piano again.
When I was in college fellowship, our church bought a drum set. A brother and I started to learn how to play by ear. We simply listen to the drum beats in the worship CD. We tried to imitate the same rhythm on the drum set. That is how I started to play drum.
While I was in the bible school, I was able to take vocal lessons from an opera style teacher and another from a pop style teacher. That is how I started to improve my singing voice.
After I graduated from the bible school, I started learning how to work with musicians and singers. We prayed, shared and practiced during mid-week for Sunday’s worship service. It is not only about skills. It also involves team work and lifestyle. That is how I started to lead worship band.
A few years later, I worked with a group of youth who are passionate about playing in a band. So every Friday, we put together all the instruments and equipment available in the car garage. I taught them how to play guitar, keyboard, drum and setup. That is how I started to band training.
While I was working with the youth in India, all these experience came together. I taught them how to work together as a rock band. I filled in as a bass player and sound man. That is how I started to play bass.
Even though I’ve been playing musical instruments for many years, I didn’t have any formal training, except singing. I was stuck in the bottleneck. I needed more training.
Before my two week trip to Taiwan, we sent out emails to musicians we met years ago. They willing helped me arranged lessons.
Caroline and I were able to learn jazz keyboard from Justin Wu of Black Flavor Jazz.
I was able to learn bass guitar from 君平of Music Stone in Taiwan.
I was also able to learn drum from 小M of 7 Shakels.
The lessons were very intensive. I needed time to digest and practice. But I was very grateful for the opportunity to improve my skills musically.
Now we’re back to the U.S. Tomorrow Caroline and I will start our vocal trainings tomorrow with Pamela Weber.
I’m so grateful for these intensive trainings. They will help us with our social enterprise when we return back to India.