
2014-07-22 12.43.18 pm

by Kent


When he was a freshman in university, he left his family and church. He couldn't bear the tension with his father any longer. He felt God has been unfair to him. No one knew where he went. Those who cared about him were heartbroken.


He tried to find answer in other religion, but he became more confused and lost. He later found the acceptance and love he's been yearning for through a girl. Unfortunately, their relationship didn't last. He met someone else, but this only led to more broken hearts.


He later isolated himself from others. He hid himself in pornography because of emptiness, helplessness and loneliness. He had distorted views of man, woman, sex and relationship.


While he was on his own for three and a half years, he was preparing himself to be a occupational therapist. Through classes such as human anatomy, human physiology, microbiology and genetics, he was amazed with the intricate design of God's creations. He also realized how insignificant he is in the universe. One day, he made up his mind to return to God.


God helped him to fail forward by restoring his relationship with his parents. He learned how to honor them. He also came to recognize and overcome his dark side over time.


God blessed him with a life companion. They have been working together among the youth as counselors. He was also blessed with two beautiful daughters. Eight years ago, they sold everything in the U.S. and went to Hong Kong for a year of cross cultural training. A year later they moved to India  as social workers.


Over the past seven years, he met quite a few single young men. They shared with him secretly how they have been struggling with lust of the eyes, sexual fantasy, pornography and masturbation. They were so relieved to know that he understood their pains. They received much practical insights from him to win their battle against sexual temptations.


Through men's group and rock bands, he was able to help them embrace healthy view about sex, refuse lust of the eyes, believe true love waits and respect women as God's creation. He gathered those who have similar struggles and encouraged them to share about their defeats and victories. Through such support group, they were able to experience true freedom with God's Word.


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He and his wife also met quite a few single young ladies through singing class, conversational English class and jewelry making class. They live in a culture where women are looked down and treated without respect. Men could sexually abuse or harass women without any fear of punishment. These women grew up with such injustice and helplessness.


He and his wife encouraged these young ladies by affirming their value in God's eyes, understand that they are created with a unique purpose, appreciate differences between men and women, say no to premarital sex and more. These girls felt shy about such topics, but they listened attentively and took notes seriously. They said no one tells them such truth. They could feel genuine care and love from him and his wife. 


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They met a few young married couples. The wives are less than 20 years old and the husbands are in their early 20s. Each couple have a child shortly after one year of marriage. They struggled so much with unrealistic expectations, misunderstandings, arguments, domestic violence and more. These issues caused so much tension between the couples, with their child and with their family members.

Whenever he spends time with them, he shares about his past failures and learned lessons with them. He encourages them how to communicate better, resolve conflicts, embrace their differences, support wife and pray for the unborn child during pregnancy, share responsibility as a husband and a father, manage finance responsibly, and take the journey of faith together. These young couples are grateful to have someone who's been there, not laugh at their weaknesses, and is willing to be there for them. Now, they are building strong, healthy marriage and Christ-centered family together.


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During the past academic year, he taught foreign language classes at  a  school filled with students from neighboring slums. He proactively instilled characters in his students, creatively inspired the students in learning, unceasingly reminded them how special they are, tirelessly made sure girls are respected with what they say or what they do.


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Do you know who he is? He is a new creation in Christ Jesus. He is the brother you know - Kent. God used the prodigal years, which appeared to be a waste, to mold him according to His plan. Those experiences, which were meant to destroy him, are being used to comfort and encourage others. His past failures, weaknesses and setbacks became a lethal weapon in God's hands to help others experience victory, freedom and divine destiny. 


Romans 8:28 says, "We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose." Thank God that He never waste any experience in our lives!


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