

@ 7Shakels

We went to 7Shakels rehearsal at 11 in the morning. Mao Mao, Sharon and the band members were already rehearsal for next day’s opening concert. 樂樂gave us a very warm welcome while her little brother行行was sitting on the floor watching his parents.

The kids played hide-and-seek in the band room. Later they went to the back office to play & eat snack. Caroline and I stayed behind to watch go through their program run-down. We really admire their talent in music. We also enjoyed listening to their self-composed songs filled with great value, various styles, heart-warming and creativity.


After the rehearal we went upstair to Mao Mao’s flat. He ordered some food for take out from the famous Fei Ching House. It’s just across street from his flat. Wow! It’s been 6 years since we last met. We spent some time over our late lunch to catch up some good old times. Mao shared with us how he started 7Shakels. He has a great passion for music composition with great value, social welfare & interaction with the crowd. And God opened doors of opportunity for him… for sponsors, existing band members, office space, and his flat.

God reminded me through him that if I stay faithful to the passion which He has instilled in me, He will prepare the right people, at the right place, and at the right time for me. He who began the good work in me will be faithful to complete it. Expect Him to do new things in the coming 2 months.


Mao later hooked me up with 7Shakels’s小Little M for a private drum lesson and Harvest Rock’s 君平 for a private bass guitar lesson. Wow! That’s God’s grace for me.

@ Han Institute

After our visit to 7Shakels, we went to Han Institute to meet it’s founder Tracy. I shared with her what I’ve been doing in North Indea. She’s very interested in the possible opporunity to collaborate, so that the Chinese language may be taught in India. She helped me understand that teachers should meet the needs of the students – whether it’s traditional or simplified Chinese, chuyin or pinying. The language itself should not be involved in politics.


She’s willing to let me cut-in the teacher training sessons during my short visit in Taiwan. This will allow me to observe and learn from the classroom setting, which will make up some portion I would miss from online learning. This will give me a head start, which is 2-month earlier than I expected. I can come back after our family vacation. I will have a 6-day, 18-hour training, with a little discount for tuition fee.

Wow! This is God’s grace for me. Is this God’s confirmation and guidance for part of which I will be doing in India?

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