

by 欣宜& Kent


開始上課前,我們都會帶她們先敬拜、讀聖經和禱告。Kent教她們一首新歌,是Paul Baloche寫的和唱的,歌詞如下:

You have been so good to me, You have been so good to me
I came here broken, you made me whole
You have been so good, You have been so good
You have been so good to me

You have been so good to me, You have been so good to me
I came here morning,You gave me joy
You have been so good, You have been so good
You have been so good to me

How can I thank you, there is just no way, how can I thank you
No way how could I to pay for your kindness, for your tenderness
For your custom presence here with me

Lord How can I thank you, there is just no way
How can I thank you, no way how could I to pay
For your kindness, for your tenderness
For your custom presence here with me

Kent 解釋歌的意思是什麼之後?依靈思靈便輪流編動作,因為她們喜歡邊唱邊比動作。歌唱完幾次後,思靈納悶著問說:「那Bencil 呢?」Kent覺得很奇怪,歌詞裡面沒有提到鉛筆之類的事阿?

後來仔細一想,恍然大悟,才知道思靈把其中You have been so good to me 的〝been so〞聽成是Bencil。也因為最近思靈在學印語,印度人的鉛筆是讀成Bencil,他們的P和B是讀成相反的音!




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