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The extension of my employment visa gave me much headache. But the Lord has been helping me to prepare all required documents, especially the income tax return. I believe that it will eventually be granted.

Other team members have been dreaming big for the Lord in 2009. So have I. The Lord has led me explore the possibilities of being a language teacher, music instructor, and a trainer for teachers.

I believe that my platforms to reach the locals will be clearer this year.

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When I first left the U.S., it was filled with excitement because the future is full of uncertainty. While we were living in Hong Kong, it was filled with excitement because there were people cheering for us. However, the feeling is quite different while living at Joy City. There is no crowd to cheer us. I need to keep my focus for a long period of time. It is a race of perseverance and endurance.

How can I finish well? Bobby Clinton reminds me characteristics of those who finished well:

1.        They view present ministry in terms of a lifetime perspective.

2.        They have special moments of intimacy with God, challenges from God, new vision from God and affirmation from God both for personhood and ministry.

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Yesterday morning a motorist bumped into my car. I confronted him with anger that he’s too close to the car. Then he opened my car door, refused to let go, and kicked the car door. Whenever I think of that incident, I was in a state of shock. I felt I was bullied by a very rude man. I thought I could have done something to fight back. I also thought what I have done wrong. But I’m thankful that no one gets hurt and the car was not damaged. Driving in this place is so tiring. Everyday I feel pressured by those dangerous drivers.

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5 So put to death anything that belongs to your earthly nature… 9 You have gotten rid of your old way of life and its habits. 10 You have started living a new life. It is being made new so that what you know has the Creator's likeness. (Col 3:5, 9-10)

Recently I feel frustrated with the process of learning Hindi. It’s taking too slow. I don’t know when I could master the basics of Hindi conversation. Sometimes I just don’t feel like studying. Today’s scripture reminds me of where I’ve been. I had the tendency to start something without finishing it. Now I’m being made new with the spirit of endurance. I’m home schooling the kids. I’m teaching Darlene violin. I’m reaching the unreached. Dear Holy Spirit, please continue to strengthen me to endure.

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The Holy Spirit helped me realize Caroline’s sense of rejection is deeply rooted from her childhood and past ministry experience. Her feeling of rejection was stirred up by some incidents and was merely tip of the ice berg. On Sunday she felt so rejected that she wanted to leave. After we took the kids to McDonald and went back home for a nap, we spent some time sharing sources of our rejection together (using an article I found on Aug 23. Then we spent some time praying together. We invited the Holy Spirit to heal her and set her free from the feeling of rejection. Later that evening Caroline told me she felt better. I’m so thankful for what the Holy Spirit had done through me. Since ministry flows out of who we are, not what we do, I pray that the Holy Spirit could continue to help us get rid of all hard feelings, renew our thinking, and continue living a new life.



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I’m thankful that You gave me an opportunity to listen & serve a teenager yesterday. It began with a simple inquiry about his school. Then he told me why he wasn’t able to go to school. He also shared about his struggles with lust (which is the third talk we had since 1 ½ month ago) and how the devil tried to overpower his mind at night. During our conversation I shared about 2 Cor 4:19 and encouraged him to see himself from Your perspective. I also rebuke the devil to leave him in Your name. Today’s passage reminded me that You have entrusted me with the Message that others may be brought back to You. I’m grateful for an opportunity to bring him back to You.

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Learning Hindi is a daily challenge for me. Why?

·       Build My Vocabulary - There is a core group of about 50 to 100 essential words in any language that should be mastered right away. These words include prepositions, question words, a few adjectives, and some selected nouns.

·       Memorize Vocabulary Words - Word lists should be memorized and then reviewed many times over. To gain maximum retention, the vocabulary list should be reviewed daily for a week or two and then again weekly for at least 4 to 5 weeks.

·       Always Read Aloud!

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